另值得一讚的埸地的裝飾,有點像Wedding Party,但又帶點Organic Garden的主題,枱上放了可以隨意拿回家的有機蔬果,擺棵菜原來可以靚過插花。 :) Can be an inspiration for my Sister's wedding, or my future wedding if I will ever have one.
https://www.alexcornell.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/insights.jpg Linear
https://www.alexcornell.com/linear/ Alex Cornell is a San Francisco based
*~Our Wedding~*
A destination wedding for us, obviously. We chose Lagen El Nido in Palawan.
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We wanted the day to be memorable, ...
ICE wins BEAM PLUS PLATINUM (provisional)
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The Sky-Math Garden
[image: espy]
[Images: Via Peter Moore’s piece on “dueling weathermen” over at *Nautilus*
]. As mentioned in the previous post, I recently had the pleasure o...
Eyes in Myanmar
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[image: IMG_0283]
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Enfin, le printemps a fait son entrée
Now that the winter's gone, the earth hath lost
Her snow-white robes, and now no more the frost
Candies the grass, or casts an icy cream
Upon the silver...
Philosophical writings are dry - says who?
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sheep - direct democracy and discretionary power.
Imagine... a relatively isolate...
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