Inception is a great start! Matrix presented a concept of an inter-connected system between people's minds. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind visualized 'dreams'. Inception has the qualities of both. Despite the great directing by Christopher Nolan, these precedents are also essential for his success. I think it would take a long while until the next movie with similar topic be that successful again.
"The moment's passed. Whatever I do I can't change this moment."
For the controversy of the ending, I preferred to believe the ending is the reality. But the evidences prove the other way round.
The ending is too close to perfection, and what is Michael Caine doing at the airport? And since all the kicks from all levels are gone, how can they come back to reality? I think the actual story is the old Saito killed Cobb in limbo, which put him into a even deeper level in his mind. In that deepest part he has that perfect ending that he always want. And at the end, although he still doubts if that is the reality, but eventually he just doesn't care anymore. That's why he does not pay attention to the totem.
That’s a “Playlist Player,” made by designer Martin Skelly to bring the digital back to the roots of the tree, the vinyl record. I’m not going to sit here and tell you how much better vinyl sounds than other music, or how much more awesome records are than anything else. You already know that! What Martin Skelly is here to tell you is – listen to your music start to finish, in a record player setting, with the ability to spill beer on it. That is the gosh-honest truth, for real!
In the words given to us at YD, Martin Skelly lets us know specifically that this project is “based on the rich interactions of vinyl records and turns digital playlists into physical objects that you can touch, treasure, drop, lose or spill beer on.” This is awesome.
What this project actually is composed of is a (special) record player and five different color covered records, also of a special nature. Playlists of music are made by you on your computer, (Skelly suggests iTunes,) they are synced to the player with a memory stick, and are then ready to play. Each record represents a playlist. As the record is placed on the box, so too is the corresponding list ready to play.
Here’s where it gets weird or awesome, depending on your specific political view on how music should be listened to. When the music plays, a band of light can be seen emitting from the box and through the translucent record. The light advances from the outer rim toward the middle of the record, just like a pin would playing a real bit of vinyl. This light, however, represents the time left on the list rather than the track being played. Also the light shows you where you are, but the temptation to skip tracks, fast forward, or rewind, are eliminated by the lack of being able to do so. The idea is that just like a record, there are less distractions from the music due to the lack of ease in changing tracks.
Wild enough for you?
Definitely TRON-approved, in my book I’d say. Martin Skelly himself decrees the design reference to be “retro professional” and the materials to be “reminiscent of Seventies hi-fi design.” Spot on, good chap.
Keep them wheels a spinnin.
I have watched a film directed by Emmanuel Mouret in HKIFF 2008. The film is about a married lady who met a perfect stranger. When the guy want to kiss her, the woman stopped him and told a story about her friend's kissing experience, which led to a disaster. The film is called 'Shall we Kiss?' It is humorous and romantic. Makes you fantasize about French life.
This film has the similar quality, even similar way of narration, with a bit more drama and humor. This film is great for relaxation, a nice match with afternoon tea.
04/04 2100 @ HK City Hall - Le Refuge Another film by Francois Ozon. After all those films about death, death of marriage, death of a life, Le refuge is about a birth after death.
The Ozon films are my general impression of French films. It is always about things happening right now, not the past nor the future. It is so natural, so normal. Nothing too dramatic. And you can always know the characters so well by looking at their faces and gestures. You feel like these are real persons, not frictional characters.
That's why I like French film so much. (Of course, French actors and actresses are always beautiful too)
04/04 1800 @ HK City Hall - Persécution
Sonia said, she has always been another Sonia when she was with someone else. A Sonia that loves different things, says different things, and has different life. It was her first time to really be herself, the true Sonia. And she feels selfish.
Artist Shannon Rankin does amazing things with maps. Treating them as mere pieces of decorated paper to be manipulated—clipping out spirals, folding crevassed roses of ridges and faultlines, pinning up confetti-like clouds of circles and zigzags—she creates "new geographies, suggesting the potential for a broader landscape."
The maps thus become more like the terrains they originally referred to: textured, complex, and subject to eruption. Unexpected forms emerge from below—like geology, overlapping, igneous, and dynamic.
Outlines of new island continents appear in the process, polar regions and archipelagoes that out-Dymaxion Buckminster Fuller in their collaged vortices and coasts.
But seeing these makes me want to feed full-color sheets of obscure maps through laser-cutting machines, slicing elaborate and random geometries to reveal the longest possible distance between two adjacent things, or to discover previously unknown proximities, the whole Earth cut-up and unspooled like a lemon rind.
If you want to see some of these in person, meanwhile, work from Rankin's Convergence set are on display now through April 17 at the Craftland Gallery up in Providence, RI.
Consider supporting her work, as well, by purchasing a piece or two; you can contact the artist via her webpage.
Searched it on youtube and found many people use this song to accompany their personal edited clips.
This song is really good as a score for a real life flim.
Yeah yeah... I know it is explicitly stated in the name of the song already...
What is smart? What is stupid?
There is no absolute answer.
Stupidity, is what a government want in their people, so no one would disagree.
Stupidity, is what a corporate want in their customers, so they would never stop buying.
'Get Stupid' is the hidden slogan.
Stupid means to have an empty mind.
Don't be stupid. Think, speak and act.
But then, what is being smart?
In the capitalist world we are living in, being smart means being efficient.
If everyone is 'smart', everything is gonna be pure boredom.
Certain level of stupidity, may result in better decisions.
We may be 'stupid'. But that's why we are having fun.
As you may know, Ole Scheeren is my tutor in this semester. We haven't met him in a while. Last Friday was his first time to look at our research stuff. We are pretty messed up and need to improve quite a lot.
No time for anything other then studio work.
Well, but music never stops even when I am working. Recently fell in love with another cover by Alex Cornell. Kings of Leon's Sex on Fire. His cover is nearly perfection.
他開始設計鞋的故事很有趣,於1999年當他還在攻讀建築碩士課程時,他的女朋友離他而去,為了忘記傷痛,他把自己的一切改變過來,連建築設計都放棄了,開始嘗試設計鞋(?)。他第一件作品的靈感,來自 Mies van de Rohe 的 Barcelona Chair。這個設計成為了他在2003年成立的品牌United Nude裡的Mobius系列。
Koolhaas 的業務夥伴是 Clark 家族的 Galahad Clark,設計多由Koolhaas包辦。基於他讀建築出身,他的設計充滿著建築帶給他的想法。品牌的鞋以優雅簡約見稱,以鞋的結構配合簡單幾何和色調,不用添加裝飾的設計已甚具風格。Koolhaas 現在長居於廣州,並於上年春季在廣州開設United Nude的旗艦店。
- Linear Alex Cornell is a San Francisco based
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[image: espy]
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[image: IMG_0283]
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